old news

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December 1st, 2005: Again, a set of new pictures. You can find them in archives VI and VII. I have lots of inspiration for drawing at the moment, for some reason! Enjoy.

November 11th, 2005: New drawings uploaded in the pencil archive. There are new pictures in archive V and archive VI. Hope you like!

November 10th, 2005: Well, I said I was going to update more often. Unfortunately, I don't have anything to update with at the moment. Anyone who wants to bounce fic-ideas with me, email me! ;)

October 17th, 2005: Fixed broken links in the arts section and fixed the links in the recommendations section. Enjoy!

October 14th, 2005: New layout - but now I'm back!
I have uploaded a few new pieces of art and a bit of writing; the third part of The Baby Invasion of Hogwarts: Magic 'n' Lilies, and Forever Indebted, an mpreg written for the fourth wave of the HP Mpreg Fqf. Enjoy!

September 1st, 2005: This site is currently on hitaus, obviously, because of RL issues. Hopefully, I will have a new epic written for you in a few months, though.

July 3rd, 2005: It seems I took a two-month long vacation from the site. Sorry 'bout that. Real life has been, as usual, incredibly busy, and is only now slowing down to a summer-bore.

This update will only consist of new art. I am currently working on a new, shorter HP/DM fic. Don't have a clue when it will be done, but I think I'll have time to write on it at work in late July/August.

For now, enjoy the art. There are two HP/DM, one R-rated (can be found in the NC-17 archive), and two others.

May 8th, 2005: Biiiiig fic-update! First off. The fics I upload from now on will have this nifty feature that you can chose background color by yourself. The Javascript prompt takes both the name of the color ('white'), as well as the code (FFFFFF for white). You have to answer the prompt every time you click on a new chapter.

I have uploaded the following:

* The Morning (or When I woke up and discovered I was pregnant), an H/D mpreg, three chapters long. Previously posted on the Yahoo Group HP Mpreg.

* Baby Booming - my HP Mpreg Fqf 3 entry, five chapters long. A response to a whole bunch of challenges. Previously posted on the Yahoo Group HP Mpreg.

* Two Smallville ficlets - Home and Alien STD (the latter is mpreg), both Clark/Lex.

* The Baby-Invasion of Hogwarts (3): Magic and Lilies. Previously posted on the Yahoo Group HP Mpreg.

As you can see, mostly Mpreg (save for Home), but I hope you enjoy anyway. This stuff has been on my harddrive for a while; I hope it has some entertainment value. Spy Series part 3 coming up later tonight, if I have the time to upload it to the other sites.

April 6th, 2005: Three new pictures have been added to the gallery.

March 16th, 2005: Have gone through all the recs and hopefully fixed all the broken links. There's a story I'm missing - The Veela Sin. If anyone has a link, please email me.

March 13th, 2005: Teensy update; I fixed the problem Dawn pointed out with Forgotten Memories (which is, ironically, my all time favorite...).

March 7th, 2005: A new section has been added to the site, which is a bit different from the rest, as it doesn't host my work, but a friend's work; his poetry. I love his poetry and until he gets his site working nicely and people coming there, he asked me to post his work here. So I am, as I adore his work. I hope you enjoy.

The third part of The Spy Series is coming up, for those who are waiting for that, as well as an H/D mpreg, and a few old Smallville ficlets that I haven't gotten around to posting.

Oh and the site suffered some downtime two days ago, due to a hardware failure at my host's.

March 2nd, 2005: With the new layout, a whole bunch of new pictures. All pencil/pen drawings. Hope you enjoy. :)

March 1st, 2005: New layout! Welcome to cosmicuniverse.net 5.0 - The Leaves version. After a year and a half of the last layout, it felt like it was time to change. Please leave your comments on the Tagboard or in the guestbook; I'd love to hear what you think of the new layout. The fics and the art still has a black background when you open them; I don't have the energy to change it. If you want to read the fics with a white background, go to Fiction Alley or fanfiction.net.

...and two new pieces of art, both pencil sketches.

January 29th, 2005: Aaaaand here it is - the second installment of >The Spy Series: Battle. As it is late, I am just going to say: enjoy. *hugs* Oh, and also - I'm writing a Harry/Percy fic. Anyone interested at all? It's just to try something new. And I have several more mpregs, but I always do for some reason. The HP Mpreg Fqf wave 1 has several fun challenges... *off to sleep*

January 19th, 2005: Thought I'd clear things up on The Spy Series... What I mean with complete is that each part of the story is complete, so there won't be any cliffhangers. Six parts have been written to the story - the reason I haven't updated it is that it was recommended to me that I'd re-write the end of the second part. I haven't had time to do that, as RL has been awfully busy the last two months, but I hope to be able to write it within the month.

If you'd like to read a new fic by me, join the HP mpreg group on yahoo and read the first chapter of Forever Indebted. It will be uploaded here in April (can't share it here until then according to the rules of the fqf).

January 16th, 2005: Teensy wensy update. Echoes is being translated into Portugese, the first chapter is up at fanfiction.net. Now that I'm done with my finals for the fall semester, I will probably have more time to update the site... Hopefully. Ideas for new fanfics and things to draw are very welcome!

January 8th, 2005:
Big update! Still wholly unused to the -05 thing... However, here are a bit of updates... First off, if TDoW (against all odds) is you all-time favorite fic, please vote for it at awkward essa's live journal. If it's not your fave, then vote for someone else's :) They are trying to get the ten best-ever H/D fanfics. I'm honored just to be one of the nominated :)
I have also uploaded two new Britney wallpapers and a kissing!Ginny/Hermione to the artgallery. Not even close to NC-17, more like PG. One of the best sketches I've done :)
I'm also uploading Heaven Is A Place Nearby, an H/D deathfic dealing with AIDS/HIV just as Until death do us part did.
Finally, the fourth wave of the HP mpreg fqf has started and I'm of course in it. The fic won't be posted here until after April 30th, when posting to the net is allowed. It's a darker fic that I'm very happy with.

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